Alex de Lucena
Pare d’en Lalo, Escriptor i compositor, connectant amb Balenes des de la seva infància, viu a Nova York. Smoky viu!
Padre de Lalo, Escritor y Compositor, conectado con Ballenas desde su infancia, desde Nueva York. Smoky vive !
Lalo’s Daddy, Writer and compositor, He has been a friend of Whales since he was a kid, He is living in New York.Smoky is alive!
Since I was very young I was drawn to whales, even though I had never seen them. It was their size that drew me. To picture a whale is to look at the sky, knowing one cannot take it all in at a glance and yet sensing, inhabiting, its totality at a glance.
We have that same feeling looking out at the ocean, especially one that is flat, green and free of freight ships. Whales are a physical, animal manifestation of this scale. We can conceive of them, and yet they are still too large to truly grasp with our minds.
My love of whales has not faded with time. I used to crave seeing them in person more but in some ways am more contented living with them as equal parts idea and abstract actuality. I do not believe in god. I do believe in whales.
On May 22, 2020 I found a video blue whales in the ocean. Blue whales are, of course, the largest animal on the planet. Little is known about their habits and travels in spite of their size. I watched the vast blue whales swimming inside of, and against, a vast blue they sank into, becoming shapes, fading and floating back up, into focus. I pondered their totality, the sureness of their stroke, how they floated in a space I would sink through.
Their vastness was a vastness inside me: of feeling, of memories, some of which I was born with and have never given language to. I sensed those memories taking shape within me, fading, part of and out of reach at once.
Projecte de Consol Llupià produït amb el suport de Barcelona Producció 2019-2020. La Capella, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.
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