Krizia Nardini @krizimotion.cullaud
Filòsofa corporal i twerktivista: Cullaude et convida a gaudir de la vibració que ja portes dins.
Filósofa corporal y twerktivista: Cullaude te invita a gozar de la vibración que ya llevas dentro.
A body philosopher and twerker: Cullaude invites you to enjoy the vibration you carry inside yourself.
Meditació marina i dansa de la cola by Krizia Nardini @krizimotion.cullaud
BALL-ENA becoming whale
Find a calm place, open-air, where you can stand bare feet. Feel the breeze on your
forehead and chest, the weight of your hands alongside your body. Roll your shoulder
back, touch your stomach close and give yourself time. Your stomach knows. Slowly
inhale and let the air fill up your belly, there where you host memories and dreams.
Let them flow, in and out, with your breath. Eyes closed, open yourself to the
pleasures of your breath. You are the waves of the ocean moving.
The whale finds herself home by moving through cold-shimmering depths. Her
immense body doesn’t ask why. Learn: your flesh is here and now to just be. Her
pure presence, dancing towards the surface, dignifies life. Trust the waters, move
with them: your arms, hips and tail already know how.
You create the moves of your own dance. In and out, deep and surface-open. Turn,
breach, tail-flip, expand: dive into the pleasures of your skin.
Videoart Vibraera:
"Seahorse" by Rondo Brothers
Your gut moving knows
How to feel chest, knees and toes
Take a breath, dance along
Wave in and blow out your discomfort
Your belly's got the steps to make
Moving slow, twerk or bootyshake
Trust your hips, tail and wine
Welcome back your flesh alive.
Projecte de Consol Llupià produït amb el suport de Barcelona Producció 2019-2020. La Capella, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.
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